Meet The Cutie

With a Bachelors of Arts from Annenberg School of Communication & Journalism at The University of Southern California, Alexandra's studies took her far beyond English lit, economics or discovering the proper way to tap a keg. What she learned most, was that college could be the perfect place to discover who you are while achieving optimal health and spiritual awareness. However, that was not the case for many college students after four years of binge drinking, late night greasy snacks and poor sleep quality.

Intrigued by the dearth of health and environmentally conscious education provided to college students, Alexandra continued her education at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where she was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of holistic lifestyle coaching methods to heal the body from within while achieving optimal health, beauty and peace of mind.

As a certified health counselor, Alexandra works with college students to create a balanced and nutritious lifestyle, without students feeling deprived of the full college experience. Alexandra works one on one with students and campus affiliated groups to create meal plans, recipes, cleanses, exercise programs that empowers students to set and accomplish their personal goals in a way that is organic and natural to them.

& Rock' N Roll

Eat Cute