Here we are again, the holiday season is upon us and I bet you're still rushing around trying to find those last minute gifts. During shopping, you might cry out in rage, "it's impossible to find this person a gift…they have everything." And that, my friends is the problem! In today's society, we are constantly surrounding ourselves with stuff...aka...crap we don't need. We can never get enough clothes, DVD's, Kinoki Foot Pads, jewelry, gadgets, Chia Pets, Shake Weights, Snuggies, and so on. According to The Use Less Stuff Report, "Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Years than any other time of year. As a result, this equates to 25 million more tons of garbage annually." According to my mathematical calculations, that's a shit ton!
Instead, why not give a gift that will last forever... no I'm not talking about diamonds ladies, I'm talking about giving someone an experience that will have a perpetual and life changing effect. Here are my picks for some kick ass holiday gifts that won't contribute to more waste and can make a difference. When was the last time a pair of socks changed your life?
1. Make A Donation: make a contribution in the person's name for a charity on an issue they are passionate about. If they don't care about the environment, animals, sick children or small suffering African villages, get them what you want and hope you will inspire them to stop being a shitty person.
Here are a few…
* The Humane Society
* Heifer
*Red Crosshttps://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=gc11_index&s_src=RSS11100ERCL&s_subsrc=RCO_DonatePage
* See Your Impact
2. Give The Gift of Nutrition: Purchase a membership for Community Supported Agriculture. Members will receive local, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables each week delivered right to their door. That's so much better than a fruitcake. Besides, every time they eat those delicious vegetables they'll think of you.
3. Buy an Experience: Instead of buying more crap, buy an experience. Purchase classes like: cooking lessons, yoga, art classes, salsa dancing, vocal coaching, horse back riding, camping excursions, fencing, wine tasting etc. Everyone is interested in something. You can even opt to do the class with them cause lets face it, who wouldn't want to take knitting lessons in a darkened room with their grandmother.
Last but not least, if you do buy crap, make sure the items are from non- animal testing companies. Just because you want to buy red lipstick doesn't mean a pig should have to wear it first to make it safe!
Here's how you can find out!
Also, wrap your gifts in newspaper or brown paper bags. It may look plain, but you'll be recycling and helping the environment. Another perk, is people will have low expectations for your gift and be surprised that it is so much better than the wrapping.
So get out there, use your money wisely and forget the old adage "money can't buy happiness," cause I bet the starving kid playing in dirt behind Sally Struthers might beg to differ!
Peace, Veggies & Rock’N Roll
Happy Healthy Hippie