Eat Cute
holistic nutritional counseling that empowers you to take control of your health, while being conscious and kind to the environment!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Cucumbers... A Girl's Best Friend !

Friday, February 3, 2012
Valentines Day! Just Because You're Getting Screwed Doesn't Mean The Environment Should

Valentines Day! Whether you spend it watching Sex and The City with your cat Snowball or you're on a hot date eating overpriced food on a prefixed menu, Valentines day can be an environmental plunder for our beautiful earth. Did you know that the billions of cards purchased each year end up in landfills contributing to deforestation ?Or what about that giant bouquet of roses doused in pesticides and picked by cheaply paid labor workers?And let's not forget the chocolates that were harvested by the use of slave and forced child labour in Central and South America... gracias por nada! Well, it's not too late to show the earth and yourself some love this Valentines Day !
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Screw Fruitcake ! Give A Gift That Matters This Holiday Season

Here we are again, the holiday season is upon us and I bet you're still rushing around trying to find those last minute gifts. During shopping, you might cry out in rage, "it's impossible to find this person a gift…they have everything." And that, my friends is the problem! In today's society, we are constantly surrounding ourselves with stuff...aka...crap we don't need. We can never get enough clothes, DVD's, Kinoki Foot Pads, jewelry, gadgets, Chia Pets, Shake Weights, Snuggies, and so on. According to The Use Less Stuff Report, "Americans throw away 25% more trash from Thanksgiving to New Years than any other time of year. As a result, this equates to 25 million more tons of garbage annually." According to my mathematical calculations, that's a shit ton!
Instead, why not give a gift that will last forever... no I'm not talking about diamonds ladies, I'm talking about giving someone an experience that will have a perpetual and life changing effect. Here are my picks for some kick ass holiday gifts that won't contribute to more waste and can make a difference. When was the last time a pair of socks changed your life?
1. Make A Donation: make a contribution in the person's name for a charity on an issue they are passionate about. If they don't care about the environment, animals, sick children or small suffering African villages, get them what you want and hope you will inspire them to stop being a shitty person.
Here are a few…
* The Humane Society
* Heifer
*Red Crosshttps://american.redcross.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=gc11_index&s_src=RSS11100ERCL&s_subsrc=RCO_DonatePage
* See Your Impact
2. Give The Gift of Nutrition: Purchase a membership for Community Supported Agriculture. Members will receive local, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables each week delivered right to their door. That's so much better than a fruitcake. Besides, every time they eat those delicious vegetables they'll think of you.
3. Buy an Experience: Instead of buying more crap, buy an experience. Purchase classes like: cooking lessons, yoga, art classes, salsa dancing, vocal coaching, horse back riding, camping excursions, fencing, wine tasting etc. Everyone is interested in something. You can even opt to do the class with them cause lets face it, who wouldn't want to take knitting lessons in a darkened room with their grandmother.
Last but not least, if you do buy crap, make sure the items are from non- animal testing companies. Just because you want to buy red lipstick doesn't mean a pig should have to wear it first to make it safe!
Here's how you can find out!
Also, wrap your gifts in newspaper or brown paper bags. It may look plain, but you'll be recycling and helping the environment. Another perk, is people will have low expectations for your gift and be surprised that it is so much better than the wrapping.
So get out there, use your money wisely and forget the old adage "money can't buy happiness," cause I bet the starving kid playing in dirt behind Sally Struthers might beg to differ!
Peace, Veggies & Rock’N Roll
Happy Healthy Hippie
Monday, November 28, 2011

Did things get a little crazy this Thanksgiving ? Were you double fisting turkey legs while polishing off a whole bottle of wine... by yourself ?Did you stuff your face with stuffing or snack on leftover Pumpkin Pie for breakfast? If so, it's not too late to start fresh and get your body back into shape before the holidays.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Stress.. The Grym Reaper of Today !

Have you ever had one of those days when you are stressed the F out? Everything you touch falls apart, you're consumed with deadlines, financial issues and problems that seem impossible to overcome ? Well what if I told you that your stress is causing more harm than the actual thing your stressing about!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Suck On My Chocolate Salty Balls

With Halloween just around the corner, you might find yourself thinking about more treats then tricks this chilly autumn night. It seems everywhere you turn there's lollipops ,chocolate bars, Carmel apples, candy corns and other variations of sugar on a stick, manipulatively displayed at every supermarket checkout aisle. You'll walk into a grocery store to buy fresh kale and apples and somehow come out with chocolate covered pretzels and skittles. How did that happen?
Well stress no more! Now you can get your sugar fix without guilt or excessive calories, by making your own delicious chocolate salty balls, made without refined sugar, gluten or dairy. Put that in your bong and smoke it!
Chocolate Salty Balls
1 cup of raw ground almonds (you can get this at Trader Joe's)
5 dates (remove pits)
1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
3/4 cups of raw cacao powder
1 sprinkle of Celtic sea salt
1 cup of shredded dried coconut flakes
1/3 cup of water
Place almond flour, dates, cinnamon, cacao powder, Celtic sea salt, and water in a blender and mix well. Now here's the fun part. Light some candles, put on some Barry White and roll up your sleeves, cause its about to get messy. Get your palms wet and start rolling the batter into small bite sized balls. If your hands keep getting sticky, you can put a little coconut oil on your palms. ( ladies you can take that one to the bank)
Note: Don't worry about making your balls perfect. I my opinion, misshapen balls tend to have more character! Lastly, dip and roll each ball into a bowl filled with shredded coconut flakes. Chill in the freezer for 2 hours. Then put them in your mouth and suck em !
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Green is the New Orange this Halloween

Oh Halloween, the perfect occasion to reminisce about your youth. The air is crisp,the side walks are covered with a mosaic of rich yellow and red leaves,and the smell of warm apple cider with spiced cinnamon lingers in the air. Although you may be far from home, there is no reason not to bring a little Halloween cheer to your dorm this autumn. While strolling down the decorations aisle, you might normally reach for paper streamers, styrofoam and string lights; however, this Halloween, opt for more traditional and dare I say spooky decorations.
Get Naughty with Nature
If your dorm isn't strict or has regulations about using candels, light up your crypt with flickering pumpkins filled with soy and beeswax candels. Candels made from paraffin wax release toxic chemicals into the air . If you are going to use string lights, use LED lights. They use way less energy. I suggest only keeping them lit when you are there to enjoy them. There is no reason to waste energy.
Its My Party and I'll Die If I Want To
Host your own green Halloween party. Use paper plates and cups from brands that are recycled and recyclable. Instead of using tons of small plastic goody bags, opt for large bowls for guests to enjoy refreshments and snacks. Advertise the party electronically, through sites such as Facebook, email or E-vite, instead of using fliers. Let's be honest, what's a college party without beer. Instead of buying beers that have been shipped from Belgium, requiring lots of fuel and ecological waste, buy beers that are local.
Ever wish you could still go door to door Trick or Treating without looking like a pedophile ? Here's your chance. Global Exchange is helping educate adults about Fair Trade cocoa by allowing you to hand out Fair Trade chocolates when you go Trick or Treating . The chocolates are attached to information cards that shed light on child labor and low wages present in the cocoa industry. You can help make a difference while reliving your favorite childhood pastime.
Be a Witch not a Bitch ... (http://www.globalexchange.org/fairtrade/campaigns/cocoa )
Go Balls Out